cartoon cow writing at a desk

Super Moon Wolf Moon: Releasing Sexual Assault (1.2.18)

Dear God, Universe, Angels, Fairies, Archangel Haniel, my Guardian Angels, Mother Earth, Goddesses, Mother God, Father God, Children of the Universe,

During this full moon, I release the following:

I release all fear associated with being sexually abused
I release all fear of my sexuality
I release all fear of my sensuality
I release all fears associated with protecting my private parts
I release all fears connected to protecting my body
I release all blocks to my sexuality
I release all blocks to my sensuality
I release all blocks of fear associated between my brain and my body
I release all blocks protecting my brain from my body
I release all blocks protecting my body from my brain
I release all blocks of fear associated with my clitoris
I release all blocks of fear associated with my vulva
I release all blocks of fear associated with my tits
I release all blocks of fear associated with my breasts
I release all blocks of fear associated with my brain
I release all blocks of fear associated with my safety
I release all blocks of fear associated with my peace of mind
I release all blocks of fear associated with my menstrual cycle
I release all blocks of fear associated with my vagina
I release all blocks of fear associated with my long legs
I release all blocks of fear associated with my entire body
I release all blocks of fear associated with protecting myself
I release all blocks of fear associated with confusion about sexuality
I release all blocks of fear associated with my father
I release all blocks of fear associated with sexual assault
I release all blocks of fear associated with sexual aggression
I release all blocks of fear associated with sex
I release all blocks of fear associated with power
I release all blocks of fear associated with false power
I release all blocks of fear associated with male dominated power
I release all blocks of fear associated with female dominated power
I release all blocks of fear associated with fear
I release all blocks of fear associated with my mind, my body, and my spirit
I release all blocks between myself and creativity
I release all blocks between myself and co-creators
I release all blocks associated with succeeding
I release all blocks associated with co-creating
I release all fears associated with co-workers
I release all fears associated with abundance
I release all fears associated with parenting
I release all fears associated with mothering
I release all fears associated with dying
I release all fears associated with living
I release all fears known and unknown to me
I release all lower level energies that no longer serve me
I release all energies that block my growth
I release all toxic relationships
I release all negative thought patterns that hinder my growth
I release all negative thoughts
I release all shame
I release all guilt
I release all blame
I release all pain
I release all horror
I release all terror
I release all blocks to my voice
I release all blocks to my entire voice
I release all blocks to my inner child’s voice
I release all blocks to my energetic fields
I release all blocks to my entire, whole, complete self
I release all blocks to my connections with others
I release my standards for perfection
I release this force field, this armor, this protection, these walls, this magnificent fortress that I created to protect myself from my father’s unwanted advances, this unwanted attention, this inappropriate touch and touch associated with sex and confused in my child’s mind of knowing and not understanding what the hell sex was and is and could be.
I release this shield, this emotional armor, this shell, and embrace the light, the safety, and trust that all is well with my world, all is well with the world, and all is well with my soul.
I release this protective exterior and thank it for serving me valiantly to bring me to this juncture in my life.
I release my ego’s need to be seen, to be acknowledged, to be accepted, to attempt to fill up this void in my body, mind, and spirit. And I thank my ego for helping me to survive the worst of my experiences. I thank my ego for driving me to live, to grasp any and all sunlight to exist, co-exist, and to survive.
I replace all of these fears, these blocks, these lower level energies, this negative energy with Light and Love.
I am a Child of the Universe.
I am loved.
I am safe.
I am protected.
I am Divinely guided and protected.
I am.
I am my true and authentic self.
I am perfect.
I am imperfect.
I am connected with the Creative Life Force of the Universe.
I am enough.
I am valuable.
I am worthy.
I am.

I am an ARTIST.
