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Transcending Sexual Assault and Clearing My Voice (1.14.18)
I have been sensing an energy and/or message that I need to transform and transcend my current state of being.
Heavenly and Great Spirit, Creator of the Universe,
I release any and all blocks within myself, my body, my mind, my spirit, and my energy fields associated with bronchitis, earaches, ear infections, sore throats, respiratory infections and imbalances. I release any and all blocks within myself, my body, my mind, my spirit, and my energy fields associated with low back pain and back pain in general.
I transform this low back pain, this back pain, this victimization from having to spread my legs open against my will from being sexually assaulted by my father, from the handful of men that I wasn’t strong enough to fight off because I let things “get too far,” because I was confused about sex, sexuality, and brainwashed by my father into thinking that I was worthless, and that my needs were not important, and that I did not matter. I was taught that I was a sexual object to provide sexual pleasure for men and that my needs, my desires, and my interests were immaterial. I release my willingness to spread my legs for my past boyfriends and my husband because I was taught, trained, and brainwashed into thinking that a man’s emotional and sexual needs were more important than mine. I transform this low back pain, this back pain, and this victimization into strength and empowerment. I transcend this physical, emotional, psychological, mental, and spiritual pain. I thank these teachers and these experiences for the lessons that they have taught me. I release them all, because I no longer need these lessons. I forgive all men for sexually harassing and sexually assaulting me in this lifetime, from previous lifetimes, and across every spectrum of time, energy, and consciousness. I forgive human beings for being human beings. I forgive all women for whatever their roles were in perpetuating men overpowering women for whatever reason or gain from this lifetime, from previous lifetimes, and across every spectrum of time, energy, and consciousness. I forgive myself for allowing men and women to overpower me in this lifetime, from previous lifetimes, and across every spectrum of time, energy, and consciousness.
I transform this bronchitis, this respiratory virus, this earache into healthy, clear pathways for all of my communication skills. I release all blocks of energy related to my breathing, my hearing, and my voice. I transcend these blocks and embrace light and love from the Creative Life Force of the Universe to speak through me and with me so that I am a voice for myself; so that I am a voice for those who have been hurt and victimized; so that I am a voice for children; so that I am a voice for the child within us; so that I am a voice for those that may not have voices typically heard by human beings; so that I am a voice for Mother Nature; so that I am a voice for Mother Earth.
I embrace my role as a survivor.
I embrace my role as an artist.
I embrace my role as a friend.
I embrace my role as a mother.
I embrace my role as a writer.
I embrace my role as a storyteller.
I embrace my role as a spiritual teacher.
I embrace my role as an environmentalist.
I embrace my role to co-create with others.
I embrace my role to co-create peace and harmony.
I embrace my role to co-create light.
I embrace my role to co-create love.
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