Mothering and Surviving Disney 2017 (1.26.18)
I dictated these stream of consciousness notes into my phone during a morning walk on the beach on May 14, 2017. I am currently on a writing retreat, unearthed the notes, and here we are…
May 14, 2017
Mothering is not gender specific
I am a mother by choice, thanks to Roe vs. Wade
The power of positive thinking
The Glass is half full
Accentuate the positive
Put on a happy face
Walking on the beach Mother’s Day May 14, 2017
High tide
Awesome breeze
Too many people
Feels like I’m walking on the highway
A woman [regular beach walker] that walks a bird-dog (that acts like it’s on speed and has ADD) loses her dog within three minutes of me passing her
The dog is nowhere in sight, and the mother does not look concerned at all
Sunscreen toxicity is burning my nostrils [People spray this shit onto themselves to protect themselves and their children from skin cancer, yet aerosol sunscreen has been proven to kill grass on golf courses from the golfers applying it to themselves while standing on the tee boxes.]
Saw a dog running across the public boardwalk, goes up to the mother [owner], and then she gives it a treat, and puts it on a leash
Absolute miracle
I hope and pray that I am the kind of mother that my children want to be around when they grow up and not just come visit me out of guilt
I like to MATE – Mothers Against a Trashy Earth
Mother by choice
I survived Disney May 2017 and made half of my kids’ dreams come true
The kids and I overheard one mother at Disney say 3 days at Disney is 2 days too many
Walt Disney was created by a forward thinking, imaginative human being. Today the Disney experience is all about making money and greed.
What I hate about Disney
Long lines
Confusing transportation to the park
The heat – and that is in early May
sunscreen on the people around me Burning my nose
Many of the rides and exhibits are shut down for improvements
The carousel is out of order
The hall of presidents is shut down [to add Trump ?!?]
Tom Sawyer’s Island was shut down
Stores on Main Street were shut down
Disney employees were actually yelling at the customers while trying to manage them
Most of the employees seem to be unhappy compared to when we came here 6 years ago
Very little shade
No restaurant options for people with multiple food allergies
Inconsistent security checks going into the park
An employee at a coffee kiosk at the ticket and transportation center slamming the window closed on me out of anger. [I would have reported him if I didn’t have to catch the damn transportation bus!]
Did not experience the fun characters on main street (Barber Shop Quartet, Ladies dressed in Victorian clothing) doing impromptu entertainment like we did 6 years ago
Highlights of Disney
Returning to the hotel
Riding in the amazing hotel bus when we finally caught it on time
30 seconds of happiness and joy in between all of the long lines of waiting
Seeing mama and baby ducklings throughout the park
Elena of Avalor actually making conversation with my daughters that seemed real
Seeing Cinderella outshined by Elena of Avalor
Seeing baby ducklings [that hatched on the property] with Merida
Seeing Chewbacca and Olaf hugging my husband instead of shaking his extended hand
Insisting to hug my husband instead of shaking his hand
Hearing the story about Mickey Mouse in our hotel being captivated by Kali, our Cairn Terrier, when my husband took her out for a brief walk
Laughing for two hours straight with my kids at the character breakfast at the hotel meeting Goofy, Mickey, and Minnie
Dancing with Minnie Mouse
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